Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Yesterday and today

Yesterday I was fortunate to go to TIGERS opening day.   The weather was fair and the baseball was great.  As a guy that grows grass for a living I was quite jealous of how amazing the field looked.

Today however concerns are when is our opening day!  The course is drying up nicely and things are greening up quickly.  Everything looks very promising for being open this weekend it really is just down to how much moisture we get over the next few days to determine if we are just open for walkers or for riders as well. 

Today we also got the greens rolled and cut.  Not long now!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

So close!

It was amazing how close we were to opening this week.  Course clean up was going well we even began to roll.

Then this happened

So we will just have to dust ourselves off and try again next week

Cheers Kendall