Monday, 2 July 2012

Dog Days Are Here!

Last week was the beginning of summer.  We have been hot and dry ever since.  The Irrigation system has been and will be working a lot of overtime.  With the heat you will see a lot less work going on in the afternoon.  Staff will be in early and out early as well.  The rough has slowed right down and turned a nice brown colour.

It is official the Dog Days of Summer are here!

Canada day for me was spent babysitting the turf.  But, the last two nights the temperature has dropped low enough for us to water at night.  This has allowed us to catch up nicely, getting some much needed moisture back into the soil.  With the upcoming heat you will start to see a lot of morning watering, with the sprinkler heads and you will also see a lot of hoses being dragged around the property putting down a little extra water for the areas that need it.  The tees are certainly showing stress right now.  They will be receiving extra attention this week. 
Number one green has showed signs of stress for a while now so for the last five days we have been walk mowing it, along with the putting green and fourteen green as well.  Pins will be moved daily to keep the foot traffic spread out.  There will be days where the greens will not be cut and just rolled.  With the heat it is unfortunate that the greens will slow down.  Firm and fast greens are great, but now is not the time to be a hero.  The turf needs to be watched very carefully to get it through to Labour day weekend alive, and if you haven’t noticed that is a ways away.    

Last week we held the Pink Flamingo Tournament.  It was a great event for the golf course.  It was a lot of fun preparing the golf course for this event.  I appreciate the members patience in allowing us the time to make the golf course as good as it could be.          
These boys helped with the Flamingo raft!

It is not everyday that you have a Hot air baloon on your golf course!

Until next time, stay cool and shaded

Cheers Kendall

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