Thursday, 9 January 2014

First Winter Update

I know it has been ages since my last blog.  So here is just a quick touch base on what is happening at the Parkway.  The course closed down quite nicely in the fall.  The weather was awesome in October for golf and turf.  The grass just kept growing right up till the end.  This gave us very little time to do some of the things that we had planned.  We were forced to just maintain the golf course the best we could with little staff that we had.  The last cut on the greens was November 6th.  Little was done on the course after that with the course actually closing Sunday November 10th.  That seems like forever ago, I took some down time away from the course.  The Holidays were a whirl wind and some way or another I find myself well into January already.  I haven’t really had time to reflect on 2013, but I know that most of the goals we set for the turf were achieved and I was quite proud of that.  The fun part is sitting back in the next few months and reflecting a bit and trying to improve on things for the upcoming season.

Currently I am a little concerned about the layer of ice that formed on the greens around December 23rd weekend.  The ice storm that most of Southern Ontario got just came as rain for us.  But, it melted down the snow that we had and it formed some ice on the greens.   I would say the greens are approximately 35% covered with ice.  Then we received a significant snow fall and it is due to turn mild again for a three day stretch with some possible rain.  This may add more ice on the greens.  We will see, it is still early on and we will just have to see how mother nature will play this out.  Here is a link to another blog that talks about ice on greens. 

The snow that we do have is been just blowing around and drifting for the last three days. Hopefully you all had a good Christmas and a happy new year

Cheers Kendall

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